
I suppose one’s credo should be grounded in insightful ideologies from philosophers, religious icons or parents. Mine (above), is taken from Dos Equis & The Most Interesting Man in the World! No matter the source, the statement describes me perfectly; I don’t believe in a life lived secondhand. My musings on this blog discuss how I have lived by this credo so far, and will continue to do so. I’d be thrilled if you also shared your experiences here; let me hear from you about your LIFE.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

We're Taking Control!

I admit it; I'm a bit of a geek.  A toy/gadget/techno geek, and I totally love that wearables have taken the world by storm.  These portable activity trackers are brilliant, helping guide us through our fitness endeavors or, probably more accurately, helping us realize that our endeavors are, um, lacking in enthusiasm!

There are many of these devices on the market, with Fitbit probably being the most widely recognized brand.  The one that Bob and I use is called Withings, and the small activity tracking device is called the Pulse.  What makes Withings so different, and the reason we love the brand, is that they are combining the Pulse with other health tools to create a complete system of individual health monitoring.  We are totally onboard with their holistic approach to self-care, and we are making a genuine effort to be responsible for our own health maintenance.  

The Pulse device tracks steps, distance, elevation and calories.  At night it monitors your sleep patterns and, when prompted, can measure your heart rate and blood oxygen saturation levels.  Admittedly, the steps and calories burned are downright inaccurate; they are based on averages for a female of my height and weight, not on my personal information, like stride length.  This doesn't bother me as I use a heart rate monitor to track calories burned when exercising, and since the steps are consistently inaccurate, I still get a sense of how much I'm moving from one day to the next.  


We also use their Smart Body Analyzer which measures weight, body composition, heart rate and (kinda odd) air quality.  The body composition information includes body fat percentage & body mass index (BMI), and the air quality is about CO2 levels and avoidance of air pollution issues such as headaches, sore throats, respiratory issues and stinging eyes.  We've been very happy with this product as it does use personal data in its body composition calculations, and we've found it to be comparable to other types of scales and body composition testing devices.  Air quality - meh.  Oh, it also checks the weather via the internet and lets you know if it’s going to rain.  Can you visualize the little umbrella and moving rain drops that appear on screen, between your two big toes?!  What fun!

Smart Body Analyzer on the left

The third and newest member of our Withings family is their Blood Pressure Monitor, which has received clearance for use in the US by the FDA.  Again, we find it to be comparable to measures taken recently in doctors' offices and hospitals, so no complaints here!

Blood Pressure cuff

Withings also offers the Aura, a sleep product which has a sleep sensor that goes under the mattress, and a bedside-table device which, through light and sound, promotes the onset of sleep and a stress-free (no alarm) wake-up.  Unfortunately, this is only offered for the iOS at the moment, but they are working on the Android system as you read. Merry Christmas to us??

Lastly, Withings produces a Smart Baby Monitor that allow you to hear, see and talk with your baby, in addition to a Smart Kid Scale for newborns through to 8 years old.  It has many incredible features that are right in step with the vary needs of this wide age range.  

All of the information from these different devices comes together over the air waves in one marvelous application called Health Mate.  The app is extremely user friendly, and displays your personal information in an easy to read, attractive dashboard.  In addition to the summary on the dashboard, the app creates charts and graphs, tracking your information over time.  Saving the best for last, drum roll please; the application allows you to send this information directly to your primary care physician!  No need to drop in to the office for routine blood pressure checks.  Your doctor can have access to your basic health maintenance information – wow!

Health Mate application for phone, tablet & PC

We absolutely love this comprehensive health monitoring system, and can’t wait to see what they come out with next.  We all have to take responsibility for our own good health, and Withings is offering us a giant leap in the right direction.  

Just Brilliant!

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